Exam Centres for Private Candidates
If you don’t attend a Cambridge school, you can still enter CIE exams as a private candidate!
To register for your Cambridge English exam, you will need to find an authorised exam centre. There are over 2,800 centres in 130 countries around the world. All of them are inspected by Cambridge English and meet their high standards.

How to Write a Summary
A summary is a shortened version containing the key points in as few words as necessary. It tests the candidate’s ability to form content points in a clear and concise approach to continuous writing. Writing a summary emphasises four basic skills: identifying key points of the passage, articulating in your own words, and sequencing points cohesively all within the given word count.

Tips and Advice for CIE Examinations
CIE examinations can be stressful and overwhelming for high school students, especially without a proper guideline, so we have compiled several studying tips that have been proven successful to many A* students.

What to Expect on Exam Day
CIE examinations recognise, reward and encourage learning. They give students many different ways to show their learning, including written exams, practicals, orals and coursework.
After all your hard work and study, exam day is when you have the opportunity to show what you have learnt. It’s important to make sure you understand what will happen on the day, so that you can perform as well as you possibly can.

Exam Results Information
Cambridge releases exam results in January (following the November exam series) and August (June exam series). Your school will tell you when your results will be available and how you will receive them.
You might need to go to your school to collect your results, or your school might give you a password so that you can view your results on CIE’s secure website.

How to Learn From Failure
We always hear stories about failure, as well as success. Everyone hears how failure is the mother of all successes. Yet, we are still fearful of failure. As if the red marks in our report cards will haunt us forever. But does it mean we should not take actions? Procrastinate?

Dealing With Exam Results
Helping learners worldwide to deal with a wide range of emotions on and after results day has always been challenging. There are some students running around cheering over their success, and there are others whose ambitions and confidence are crushed. How should we look upon this matter? Is failure truly the key to success?